Sunday, November 27, 2005

Weekend recap

It was a quiet weekend for Multiple O. Given the long holiday weekend, the Metro ran every whack model it owns so nothing interesting was spotted. (I also hypothesize that construction on Broadway prevented the 49 from running any trolley models.) I do think that a Metro driver saw me slip through 3 feet of mud during a rainy run near Group Health on Thursday.

I was purusing some of the comments on previous posts and will do my best to satisfy MK's request for some teen idol or emo rocker drama on the bus. Given that Ben Gibbard no longer lives on Capitol Hill, our next best option may be some dude from the Lashes. But given that they all look the same, and the smoking ban is soon to take effect (thus driving the hipsters down to Portland), MK has put us up to quite a challenge!


At 2:33 PM, Blogger jonglix said...

A bit of a lost weekend indeed. Maybe next weekend we should take a trip and go spot a new fleet. Vancouver has trolley buses!

As for spotting people, I must say that falls outside my area of interest, which corncerns coaches (their phyiscal characteristics and their routing and scheduling).

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Final Answer said...

I doubt anyone will ever see this, but I read that Mr. Lashes was present at the grand opening of the Cha Cha in LA. Interstate Scenester!


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