Thursday, November 10, 2005

Options in the news

Two references to options were in yesterday's news. Of note:

The Chicago Transit Authority purchased a handful of hybrid buses. (Please note the reference to the mighty Seattle Metro in the linked article!) In my humble opinion, however, hybrids just don't do it for me in the same way that the elegant, whistling trolleys do. Just imagine what the intersection of Ashland and Belmont would look like with a three-way intersection full of cables hanging overhead! (Or for our hipster readers, North and Damen!)

The Monorail died. My fellow Chicago spotter, Jason, and I used to follow Seattle Monorail politics despite living 2000 miles away from it.

Finally, I should add that today I discovered the option of Being Healthy Again. I apologize to the Seattle Metro riders that may have been infected with the Cold From Hell during my frequent sickly commutes to and from school.


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