MO Endorsement: Bob Ferguson!

The Stranger recently printed some "bullshit" coming out of the King County Council races:
The claim: In his TV ad, Robert Rosencrantz says, "Dwight Pelz . . . [blah blah blah]. . . charged the county $12,000 for gas.
Bullshit: Blah blah blah . . . As for the $12,000 gas bill, Pelz uses his car less than any other council member except Bob Ferguson, who takes the bus.
Bob Ferguson is running against Carolyn Edmonds in the upcoming primary, and it is my honor to say that Multiple O "enthusiastically endorses" Mr. Ferguson in the election! Bonus points will be given to the first MultipleO-er to spot Bob (plus, of course, coach number, route, direction, date, time, and ideally a photograph) on a Metro bus! Remember to Vote on September 20!
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 16:34:50 -0700
From: Bob Ferguson
To: 'Sara J. Nelson'
Subject: RE: bus rider vote
Hi Sara--
This is great news! I appreciate the endorsement. Incidentally, I ride the #41 Bus. Be sure to let our fellow bus riders in Kenmore, Lake Forest Park, Bothell, Shoreline, and North Seattle, know the great news.
Thanks for your support!
Bob Ferguson
Citizens to Re-Elect Bob Ferguson
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