Wednesday, August 17, 2005

vintage only?

following smil43's useful links (see sidebar), I've learned about a major divisision in the busspotting world bewteen "vintage only" spotters and the rest. Now, while I don't consider myself a vintage only snob, certain styles interst me more than others. For all you newbies, let my try to break down the basic styles in use on Seattle Metro:

Best to Spot (in my humble opinion):

4000: "vintage" articulated trolley buses with a lot of character and variety b/w coaches

4200: articulated trolley buses with awesome angular style recently resurrected from the former "dual power" buses that ran in the bus tunnel

Honarable Mention:

4100: late-model trolley buses: nice vehicles but there are a ton of them and there all essetially in good shape and pretty indestinguishable (there goes 4139 on North on Summit right now!!)

Diesel buses just bore me for the most part


At 9:32 PM, Blogger Final Answer said...

A most informative post! I must add that my interest in busspotting actually stems directly from the 4000 series. You see, some of these buses were sold to Chicago years back for 'temporary' use. But predictably they're still on the road and I used to be a frequent rider. Hopefully I'll make a few spots in the next few days as I will visiting Chi-town this weekend! ~s43


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