4th MADness

In a few days, most of the MO crew will hold a summer reunion in Vermont. The highlight of our reunion will be the Warren 4th of July parade -- a must-see event, we've been told! I did a little research today and
found this out. Folks can take public transit to the parade! I think M*A*N and his family (our hosts) live too close to the parade for us to take the Mad Bus, though. Hopefully I can get a Mad Pic for MO!
Dems love buses!

Yesterday's buzz was all about GWB's visit to the Seattle 'burbs to show support for some lame Republican politician. His Democratic opponent, unfortunately named Darcy, had a rally downtown at the same time. Here's a picture (above).
OMG! Is that a 4200 series coach behind her?!? Any guesses about the coach number?
3 new spots on 1 ride!
In a most eventful ride this morning, I boarded 4253 at SCCC northbound on the 49 route and spotted 4221 and 4231 en route to the U district. Smile43 has spotted 4221 earlier today!
Updated Spotting Checklist:
4200 spotted
4201 spotted
4202 spotted
4203 spotted
4204 spotted
4205 spotted
4206 spotted
4207 spotted
4208 spotted
4209 spotted
4210 spotted
4211 spotted
4212 spotted
4213 spotted
4214 spotted
4215 ?
4216 ?
4217 spotted
4218 ?
4219 ?
4220 ?
4221 spotted
4222 ?
4223 ?
4224 spotted
4225 ?
4226 ?
4227 ?
4228 spotted
4229 ?
4230 ?
4231 spotted
4232 ?
4233 ?
4234 ?
4235 ?
4236 ?
4237 ?
4238 ?
4239 ?
4240 spotted
4241 ?
4242 ?
4243 spotted
4244 ?
4245 spotted
4246 spotted
4247 spotted
4248 ?
4249 ?
4250 ?
4251 ?
4252 ?
4253 spotted
4254 ?
4255 spotted
4256 ?
4257 spotted
4258 spotted
4259 ?
panel modification alert
coach 4243 now sports an off-color, grey panel on the rear-right. Spotted at the 44 route layover near Husky Stadium. Partial Rogue? Possibly involved in a accidedent and not yet touched-up?
iPod Diss
About two hours ago I schlepped over to a fave restraurant to pick up some carry-out. As I was waiting to cross Broadway at Mercer, an iPod coach (#4201) passed by. As it did, I heard the woman next to me mutter, "So gawdy!" Diss!